Socialism vs. Capitalism
![]() “It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible.” “Do not let anyone claim to be a true American if they ever attempt to remove religion from politics.” - George Washington
“We are not a Christian nation….” - Barack Obama
Twenty percent of the respondents said socialism is better, while 27% were not sure. Not sure? Do these people have no grasp of the countries that have turned to socialism? Check out this classic video by economist Milton Freidman: ""We have to do a better job of letting America know what the "American way" really is and reveal the true agenda of Obama and his cohorts. As Vazsonyi notes in his report, "Millions of ordinary Americans appear to have accepted, and to be promoting, the socialist agenda. There is every reason to believe that many minds would be changed if they were brought face-to-face with socialism as the doctrine they are following and advocating."'" - Bobby Eberle April 10, 2009
"America has been gradually moving away from its constitution and toward a form of socialism for many years, and while most of us realize that things are not as free as they used to be, we may not realize just how closely our policies come to meeting the definition of Marxism. Of course, few would admit that we are Marxist because we can still vote, we still have (somewhat) free enterprise, and we can still travel without a soldier asking us for our “papers” at a check point. And we certainly don’t think of ourselves as the Communist that Karl Marx (1818-1883) was.
But before you think I’ve lost my senses, listen to what Karl Marx and his close friend Friedrich Engels believed government policies should be." - Randy Bright
![]() Scientific Socialism "Marx was a self-proclaimed scientist. His “scientific” theories explained the entire history of man and determined his future. They are to be used to transform man’s nature. Being “scientists,” communists have certain basic “scientific” laws which underlie their beliefs and teaching. They include: There is no God. When communists deny God, they simultaneously deny every virtue and every value which originates with God. There are no moral absolutes, no right and wrong. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon On The Mount are invalid. Accepting this concept of “morality” the communists teach that all is right which advances the cause of socialism. All is wrong which impedes its progress. For the communist, to lie, cheat, steal, or murder, is perfectly moral if it advances communism. Conversely, a communist who would refuse to lie, cheat, steal or murder to aid the socialist movement is immoral. In the words of Lenin: We do not believe in eternal morality- our morality is entirely subordinated to the interests of the class struggle. The second “scientific” law of communism follows the first logically. It is:
Man is simply matter in motion. As such, he is without soul, spirit, or free will and is not responsible for his own acts. Marx taught that man was entirely an evolutionary animal, the highest animal form, without significant individual value or eternal life. Man is a body completely describable in terms of the laws of chemistry and physics. The third “scientific” law, economic determinism, is to be the means for transforming man. It states: Man is an economically determined animal. Qualities of human intelligence, personality, emotional and religious life merely reflect man’s economic environment. The evil a man does is just a reflection of his environment. After coming to this conclusion, Marx taught that the only way man could be improved or changed would be to change or eliminate the evil-producing elements in man’s environment. He reasoned that the one common influence in man’s life was the economic environment. Mid-19th Century Europe’s predominant economic system was a rough-and-tumble combination of feudalism, mercantilism, and free enterprise. Marx called it capitalism and blamed it for all evil in man and the world. He concluded that the only way to eliminate evil and improve man was to destroy capitalism. Marx taught that this was both desirable and historically inevitable because the continued conflict between the classes had to produce change. The inevitable outcome of the class war, according to Marx, was the triumph of the proletariat in a revolution which would destroy a decaying capitalism and replace it with socialism. Under socialism, the dictatorship of the proletariat (Communist Party) would work towards the establishment of communism. Marx taught that once the material needs of man were satisfied, greed, profit-taking, avarice, and hate would disappear. The State would wither away. There would be no laws or need for a police force. A heaven on earth would result. Man’s nature would be magically transformed. Each would work according to his ability. Each would desire to receive only according to his needs. To reach this goal, the proletariat must achieve control of the entire earth, Marx taught. All poisoning traces of capitalism must be eliminated. In practice, as the communists conquer a country, and if they conquer the world, they are left with those people raised in a capitalist environment. It has formed their character and personality. They will transmit the “illness” to their children. Being materialist “scientists” the communists do not hesitate. All the “animals” infected with the “disease” of capitalism and freedom must be exterminated. To the communists, this is not murder. Murder means killing for bad reasons. They will kill the bourgeoisie class for a “good” reason, the establishment of world communism. The “end” justifies the “means.” The communists, therefore, are not interested in converting you, the reader, to communism, particularly if you are over 30 years of age. If you can be lulled into doing nothing to oppose the triumph of world communism, that is enough. Once the takeover comes, you, like millions of others, who believe in God and man’s responsibility for his own life and actions, can be slaughtered like diseased animals or worked to death in slave labor camps or brothels for the Red Army. The communists are after your children or grandchildren who can still be molded into obedient slaves of the State. Gus Hall, General Secretary of the Communist Party, USA, told Americans what to expect when the communists take over. Speaking at the funeral of Eugene Dennis in February 1961, Hall said: I dream of the hour when the last Congressman is strangled to death on the guts of the last preacher – and since the Christians love to sing about the blood, why not give them a little of it."
![]() As Governor Bradford explained in his old English:
“For the young men that were able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children, without recompense. The strong, or men of parts, had no more division of food, clothes, etc. then he that was weak and not able to do a quarter the other could; this was thought injustice. The aged and graver men to be ranked and equalized in labor, and food, clothes, etc. with the meaner and younger sort, thought it some indignant and disrespect unto them. And for en’s wives to be commanded to do service for other men, as dressing their meat, washing their clothes, etc. they deemed it a kind of slavery, neither could man husbands brook it." Because of the disincentives and resentments that spread among the population, crops were sparse and the rationed equal shares from the collective harvest were not enough to ward off starvation and death. Two years of communism in practice had left alive only a fraction of the original number of the Plymouth colonists.
Realizing that another season like those that had just passed would mean the extinction of the entire community, the elders of the colony decided to try something radically different: the introduction of private property rights and the right of the individual families to keep the fruits of their own labor.
As Governor Bradford put it:
“And so assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number for that end. . . .This had a very good success; for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted then otherwise would have been by any means the Governor or any other could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn, which before would aledge weakness, and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.”
The Plymouth Colony experienced a great bounty of food. Private ownership meant that there was now a close link between work and reward. Industry became the order of the day as the men and women in each family went to the fields on their separate private farms. When the harvest time came, not only did many families produce enough for their own needs, but they had surpluses that they could freely exchange with their neighbors for mutual benefit and improvement.
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