OK-SAFE Legislation Tracking
Sovereignty - Complete independence and self-government.
Free Enterprise - an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself
in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and regulation.
Simplified Flow Chart of Bills Researching Legislation in
The review of the Oklahoma legislative session by the House Research Staff is posted here for reference and any point of view commentary is entirely that of the Oklahoma Legislature and not of OK-SAFE.
Presentation given by Amanda Teegarden, OK-SAFE Executive Director, at OK-SAFE Action Forum on June 2010
Attached please find the OK-SAFE 2010 OK House of Representatives 3rd Reading Vote Summary, listing all 101 OK Representatives.
This Summary of House bills is not exhaustive, but rather highlights 10bills from this session that are reflective of the growing political climate calling for constitutionally-limited government, and which are important to the citizens of
Of the 10 House bills listed voted on and advanced, 6 should have received a YEA vote, and 4 should have received a NAY vote to qualify as a constitutionally-limited vote. Five bills are noted that were not advanced, despite having had little or $0 fiscal impact.
The general guidelines for supporting a bill was that it promotes constitutionally-limited government, or was a pre-emptive bill against more federal intrusion or initiatives.
The general guidelines for opposing a bill were that the bill increased the power, scope and reach of government beyond its proper function or boundaries, and/or increased the use of technology as enforcer. (i.e surveillance).
The Representatives 'Limited Government' score is to the right of the Nay vote columns.
The assumption has been that since
Five legislators scored a 9 out of a possible 10. (Rep. Charles Key would have scored a 10, but attended a funeral on 3/4/10and missed one vote.)'Excused' indicates the legislator was not present to vote.
The five highest scoring House members were:
Rep. George Faught (HD14-R)-9
Rep. Charles Key (HD90-R) -9
Rep. Jason Murphey (HD31-R)-9
Rep. Mike Ritze (HD80-R) -9
Rep. Paul Wesselhoft (HD54-R)-9
The seven lowest scoring House members were:
Reps. Mike Brown (HD4), Ryan Kiesel (HD28), Jeannie McDaniel (HD78), Danny Morgan (HD32), Glen Smithson (HD2) -(Ds) scored 2
Rep. Paul Roan (HD20-D)-1
Rep. Bill Nations (HD44-D)-0
Presentation given by Amanda Teegarden, OK-SAFE Executive Director, at OK-SAFE Action Forum on June 2, 2009
Resolution Against: The "Global Poverty Act" (S. 2433) at Washington State Republican Party convention
The "Global Poverty Act" (S. 2433) will supersede U.S. national sovereignty and the Constitution of the United States, by implementing as the law of the land the "Millennium Development Goals" agreed upon, including these mandates -- S. 2433 Global Poverty Act of 2007; author Senator Obama
Citizen Involvement in the Legislative Process 2011-12 - Amanda Teegarden
This is the OK-SAFE "How to be a Lobbyist PowerPoint" referred to in the OK-SAFE "Citizen Involvement in the Legislative Process" training.
Advice for Lobbying Your Legislators - Oklahoma Legislature Website, Information Section
Be friendly, earnest and down to earth. Oklahoma legislators seem to like a lowkey approach. If a legislator disagrees with you, don't become aggressive, defensive, or over-intellectual.
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