

Action Alerts
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Action Alert/Newsletter 
February 10, 2013 

In This Issue:
Calls Needed on SB 219, Terminating the OK Health Information Exchange Trust (OHIET)

New Committee - the Calendar Committee

Repealing the Water for 2060 Act

Privacy Rally Feb. 23, 2013

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Listen Online: Listen anytime to the podcasts of OK-SAFE's radio program America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio.

Radio Podcasts
America in the Balance is on hiatus.  Past shows are archived for your convenience.
Listen to America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio. 

07/20/12 -
On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 the OK State Chamber of Commerce held a Legislative Wrap Up meeting at NSU in Broken Arrow, OK. The Chamber's presentations were revealing - they admit they are actively recruiting and running "pro-business" candidates who will do their bidding once elected. Discussed are the Chamber's mechanisms for getting them to change their votes. Also discussed is the OK Civil Justice Council, aimed at targeting those judges who don't render "pro-business" decisions in court. For those who had any doubts about the OK Chamber's agenda - this is must hear listening.

07/06/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. Pastor Paul Blair ran for Senate Dist. 41, against incumbent Sen. Clark Jolley. What happened during that campaign and Paul's plans going forward.

06/29/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. One grassroots candidate, Pastor Dan Fisher, did succeed in getting elected to OK HD 60. Join as we discuss this most contentious campaign and Dan's plans for HD 60. 


06/08/2012 - Water Nightmare.

OK Governor Mary Fallin has signed one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever. Called the Water for 2060 Act, HB 3055 states "the public policy of this state is to establish and work toward a goal of consuming no more fresh water in the year 2060 than is consumed statewide in the year 2012". Can anyone say water rationing? Hosts Amanda and Don discuss the ramifications of this dangerous legislation and recommended actions for Oklahomans.

Click Here for more shows.
Oklahoma Capitol
Check the OK-SAFE website for more recommended research sites.
Contact Us

P.O. Box 33148
Tulsa, OK  74153 

2013 Dues now due.
Your dues make our work possible!

online or make checks payable to 
OK-SAFE, Inc. and mail to the above P.O. Box.

Individual: $50/yr
Group: $100/yr

OK-SAFE, Inc. is a 501c4 non-profit Oklahoma corporation.

OK-SAFE Banner
Thank you to all those who recently donated to OK-SAFE or paid
2013 membership dues.  Your financial contributions help us continue our efforts to restore liberty in Oklahoma.

The Board of OK-SAFE, Inc.
SB 219, Terminating the OHIET, to be heard Monday 2/11/13 - Calls Needed

OK-SAFE, Inc.  - SB 219 by Sen. Dahm, terminating the OHIET trust, is to be heard on Monday, 2/11/13, in the Senate Health and Human Services committee, right after session is over. (Session will be short).    


OHIET Logo  


Sen. Brian Crain of Tulsa is the Chair of this committee. 


The OHIET (Oklahoma Health Information Exchange Trust) has been busy establishing the technology infrastructure, i.e. dispersing federally funded "voucher money" to providers to set up electronic health records (EHRs) systems, and certifying the HIOs (Health Information Organizations) providers must join that enable the EHRs to be "shared" (transmitted throughout a system). This system is what enables the intrastate and interstate transmission of EHRs (your health records).    


This EHR/HIO system is a key part of what makes the whole Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, (PPACA or "ObamaCare") work.  


(NOTE: The real health care reform bill was the Stimulus bill; PPACA was the follow-up bill. Both must be addressed in order to push back against what the public refers to as "ObamaCare".)


Could you please call/email this committee and ask them to vote YES on SB 219?

MEETING TIME: After Session 
Health and Human Services Committee Members:
  • Senator Harry Coates              405-521-5547
  • Senator Kim David                   405-521-5590
  • Senator A J Griffin                    405-521-5628
  • Senator Constance Johnson    405-521-5531 
  • Senator Dan Newberry             405-521-5600 
  • Senator Jabar Shumate            405-521-5598

Group email:,,,,,,, 

Please ask for a Yes vote on SB 219.  

For more information on the what "health care reform" was really about, visit our website   


The Calendar Committee....?

OK-SAFE, Inc. - It seems that on the first day of session the House created a new committee - the Calendar Committee.    


Apparently, this Committee decides which bills advance to the House floor, and when.   Traditionally, this duty fell to the Floor Leader (remember Rep. Dan Sullivan?)


Rep. Pam Peterson is the current Floor Leader; but instead of calling her office to advocate for/against a bill moving to the floor, one must now go to the Calendar Committee members. 


Is someone risk-adverse?


Link to Calendar Committee details: 


This committee will be meeting Monday, 2/11/13 at 9:00 am in RM 432A.   

Repeal of the Water for 2060 Act - HB 1562 

 HDrinking waterB 1562y Wesselhoft and Dahm, is a bill repealing the Water for 2060 Act, created by HB 3055* in 2012. 
HB 1562 has already passed out of committee and is now waiting for advancement. 

Please call/email these Calendar Committee members and ask that they advance HB 1562 to the floor and then vote YES on this bill.

Calendar Committee Members:
Pam Peterson, Chair - 405-557-7341
Don Armes   - 405-557-7307
Josh Cockroft - 405-557-7349
Marian Cooksey - 405-557-7342
Elise Hall - 405-557-7403
Chuck Hoskin - 405-557-7319
Dennis Johnson - 405-557-7327
Fred Jordan - 405-557-7331
Steve Kouplen - 405-557-7306
Jeannie McDaniel - 405-557-7334
Skye McNiel - 405-557-7353
Jason Murphey - 405-557-7350
Leslie Osborn - 405-557-7333
Colby Schwartz - 405-557-7352
Ben Sherrer - 405-557-7364
Jason Smalley - 405-557-7368
Todd Thomsen - 405-557-7336
Emily Virgin - 405-557-7323

Group committee email list:,,,,,,, fred.jordan,,,, skye,,,,,,,,  


Save this information for the next time it is required.   



The Water for 2060 Act was created by HB 3055 in 2012.  It reads, in part, that...

"...the public policy of this state is to establish and work toward a goal of consuming no more fresh water in the year 2060 than is consumed statewide in the year 2012, while continuing to grow the population and economy of the state...".  

Not only is this mandate ludicrous, it is dangerous.  Please make the calls to repeal the Water for 2060 Act.

For more information on this topic click here. And see the Randy Bright article dated June 28, 2012 entitled "Water for 2060 Act is Devastating and Must be Repealed".
International Day of Privacy Rally

International Day of Privacy Rally
Anti-Surveillance/Pro-Privacy Event
Saturday, Feb. 23rd, 2013
Oklahoma State Capitol - 1st and 2nd Floor Rotunda
12:30-1:30 p.m.

Speakers include:
Amie Stepanovich, EPIC Drone Policy and Privacy Expert
Amanda Teegarden, Exec. Dir. OK-SAFE
Ryan Kiesel, Dir. OK ACLU

Click here for event flyer

Press Release from ROPE -
Homeschool Day at the OK Capitol

From ROPE - Tuesday, February 12, 2013 is Homeschool Day at the Oklahoma State Capitol.  Jenni White of ROPE will be participating in this event, talking about the dangers of the Common Core State Standards.

See more details here



The OK-SAFE, Inc. logo
is a registered trademark.

Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Incorporated (OK-SAFE, Inc.) is a non-profit 501(c)4 Oklahoma Corporation made up of individuals and coalition groups dedicated to the Principles of American Free Enterprise and the Constitutional Sovereignty of Oklahoma and the United States of America.

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Action Alert
November 19, 2012

In This Issue:
OK Governor Fallin Says No to State-Based Insurance Exchange

Radio Interviews

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Listen Online: Listen anytime to the podcasts of OK-SAFE's radio program America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio.

Radio Podcasts

Listen to America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio. 

07/20/12 -
On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 the OK State Chamber of Commerce held a Legislative Wrap Up meeting at NSU in Broken Arrow, OK. The Chamber's presentations were revealing - they admit they are actively recruiting and running "pro-business" candidates who will do their bidding once elected. Discussed are the Chamber's mechanisms for getting them to change their votes. Also discussed is the OK Civil Justice Council, aimed at targeting those judges who don't render "pro-business" decisions in court. For those who had any doubts about the OK Chamber's agenda - this is must hear listening.

07/06/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. Pastor Paul Blair ran for Senate Dist. 41, against incumbent Sen. Clark Jolley. What happened during that campaign and Paul's plans going forward.

06/29/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. One grassroots candidate, Pastor Dan Fisher, did succeed in getting elected to OK HD 60. Join as we discuss this most contentious campaign and Dan's plans for HD 60. 


06/08/2012 - Water Nightmare.

OK Governor Mary Fallin has signed one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever. Called the Water for 2060 Act, HB 3055 states "the public policy of this state is to establish and work toward a goal of consuming no more fresh water in the year 2060 than is consumed statewide in the year 2012". Can anyone say water rationing? Hosts Amanda and Don discuss the ramifications of this dangerous legislation and recommended actions for Oklahomans.

Click Here for more shows.
Oklahoma Capitol
Check the OK-SAFE website for more recommended research sites.
Contact Us

P.O. Box 33148
Tulsa, OK  74153 

2012 Dues now due.
Your dues make our work possible!

online or make checks payable to 
OK-SAFE, Inc. and mail to the above P.O. Box.

Individual: $50/yr
Group: $100/yr

OK-SAFE, Inc. is a 501c4 non-profit Oklahoma corporation.

OK-SAFE Banner
Thank you to all those who recently donated to OK-SAFE or paid membership dues.  Your financial contributions help us continue our efforts to restore liberty in Oklahoma.

The Board of OK-SAFE, Inc.
UPDATE! Governor Fallin Says No to State-Based Insurance Exchange

OK-SAFE, Inc.- 11/19/12 - OK Governor Mary Fallin today issued a press release stating that the state of Oklahoma will not pursue the creation of a state-based insurance exchange or participate in the expansion of Medicaid, both part of the PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act).

This appears to be a win for the people of Oklahoma.

The exchanges are the cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act, and will tie into the other "exchange", namely the health information exchange.  Expanding Medicaid coverage to more people (to 133% of FPL) will break the bank - we can not afford it.

Press Release - 11/19/12  


Gov. Fallin: Oklahoma Will Not Pursue a State-Based Exchange or Medicaid Expansion   


OKLAHOMA CITY - Governor Mary Fallin today released the following statement announcing that Oklahoma will not pursue the creation of a state-based exchange or participate in the Medicaid expansion in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA):


"For the past few months, my staff and I have worked with other lawmakers, Oklahoma stakeholders and health care experts across the country to determine the best course of action for Oklahoma in regards to both the creation of a health insurance exchange and the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Our priority has been to ascertain what can be done to increase quality and access to health care, contain costs, and do so without placing an undue burden on taxpayers or the state. As I have stated many times before, it is my firm belief that PPACA fails to further these goals, and will in fact decrease the quality of health care across the United States while contributing to the nation's growing deficit crisis.


"Despite my ongoing opposition to the federal health care law, the state of Oklahoma is legally obligated to either build an exchange that is PPACA compliant and approved by the Obama Administration, or to default to an exchange run by the federal government. This choice has been forced on the people of Oklahoma by the Obama Administration in spite of the fact that voters have overwhelmingly expressed their opposition to the federal health care law through their support of State Question 756, a constitutional amendment prohibiting the implementation of key components of PPACA.


"After careful consideration, I have today informed U.S. Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius that Oklahoma will not pursue the creation of its own health insurance exchange. Any exchange that is PPACA compliant will necessarily be 'state-run' in name only and would require Oklahoma resources, staff and tax dollars to implement. It does not benefit Oklahoma taxpayers to actively support and fund a new government program that will ultimately be under the control of the federal government, that is opposed by a clear majority of Oklahomans, and that will further the implementation of a law that threatens to erode both the quality of American health care and the fiscal stability of the nation.


"Furthermore, I have also decided that Oklahoma will not be participating in the Obama Administration's proposed expansion of Medicaid. Such an expansion would be unaffordable, costing the state of Oklahoma up to $475 million between now and 2020, with escalating annual expenses in subsequent years. It would also further Oklahoma's reliance on federal money that may or may not be available in the future given the dire fiscal problems facing the federal government. On a state level, massive new costs associated with Medicaid expansion would require cuts to important government priorities such as education and public safety. Furthermore, the proposed Medicaid expansion offers no meaningful reform to a massive entitlement program already contributing to the out-of-control spending of the federal government.


"Moving forward, the state of Oklahoma will pursue two actions simultaneously. The first will be to continue our support for Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt's ongoing legal challenge of PPACA. General Pruitt's lawsuit raises different Constitutional questions than previous legal challenges, and both he and I remain optimistic that Oklahoma's challenge can succeed. 


"Our second and equally important task will be to pursue state-based solutions that improve health outcomes and contain costs for Oklahoma families.  
Serious reform, for instance, should be pursued in the area of Medicaid and public health, where effective chronic disease prevention and management program could address the trend of skyrocketing medical bills linked to avoidable hospital and emergency room visits. I look forward to working with legislative leaders and lawmakers in both parties to pursue Oklahoma health care solutions for Oklahoma families." 

End of Governor's statement.
To find your elected official go to .

See our website, Exposing Health Care Reform, for more details on the issue of health care reform, the exchanges, and the OK legislative timeline for its implementation.

From the NY Times:
U.S. Extends a Deadline for States on Coverage

By  ROBERT PEAR Published: November 9, 2012

WASHINGTON - With many states lagging far behind schedule, the Obama administration said Friday that it would extend the deadline for them to submit plans for health insurance exchanges, the online markets where millions of Americans are expected to obtain private coverage subsidized by the federal government.

Rest here.



The OK-SAFE, Inc. logo
is a registered trademark.

Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Incorporated (OK-SAFE, Inc.) is a non-profit 501(c)4 Oklahoma Corporation made up of individuals and coalition groups dedicated to the Principles of American Free Enterprise and the Constitutional Sovereignty of Oklahoma and the United States of America.

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Action Alert
November 12, 2012

In This Issue:
Call Governor Fallin re: Insurance Exchange in OK

2010's SJR 59 vs HJR 1054

Radio Interviews
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Listen Online: Listen anytime to the podcasts of OK-SAFE's radio program America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio.

Radio Podcasts

Listen to America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio. 

07/20/12 -
On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 the OK State Chamber of Commerce held a Legislative Wrap Up meeting at NSU in Broken Arrow, OK. The Chamber's presentations were revealing - they admit they are actively recruiting and running "pro-business" candidates who will do their bidding once elected. Discussed are the Chamber's mechanisms for getting them to change their votes. Also discussed is the OK Civil Justice Council, aimed at targeting those judges who don't render "pro-business" decisions in court. For those who had any doubts about the OK Chamber's agenda - this is must hear listening.

07/06/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. Pastor Paul Blair ran for Senate Dist. 41, against incumbent Sen. Clark Jolley. What happened during that campaign and Paul's plans going forward.

06/29/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. One grassroots candidate, Pastor Dan Fisher, did succeed in getting elected to OK HD 60. Join as we discuss this most contentious campaign and Dan's plans for HD 60. 


06/08/2012 - Water Nightmare.

OK Governor Mary Fallin has signed one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever. Called the Water for 2060 Act, HB 3055 states "the public policy of this state is to establish and work toward a goal of consuming no more fresh water in the year 2060 than is consumed statewide in the year 2012". Can anyone say water rationing? Hosts Amanda and Don discuss the ramifications of this dangerous legislation and recommended actions for Oklahomans.

Click Here for more shows.
Oklahoma Capitol
Check the OK-SAFE website for more recommended research sites.
Contact Us

P.O. Box 33148
Tulsa, OK  74153 

2012 Dues now due.
Your dues make our work possible!

online or make checks payable to 
OK-SAFE, Inc. and mail to the above P.O. Box.

Individual: $50/yr
Group: $100/yr

OK-SAFE, Inc. is a 501c4 non-profit Oklahoma corporation.

OK-SAFE Banner
Thank you to all those who recently donated to OK-SAFE or paid membership dues.  Your financial contributions help us continue our efforts to restore liberty in Oklahoma.

The Board of OK-SAFE, Inc.
Calls Needed - Tell Governor Fallin NO to Insurance Exchange

OK-SAFE, Inc. - According to recent articles in both the Daily Oklahoman and the Tulsa World, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin is considering whether or not to move ahead with an insurance exchange in Oklahoma.

"Constituencies bend Fallin's ear on health care" appeared in Sunday's Oklahoman, while "Health exchange still a possibility in Oklahoma" appeared in the Tulsa World.

Kaye Beach of Axxiom for Liberty has posted a helpful summary entitled Oklahoma Testing the Water on Health Insurance ExchangeHer post includes action items from the OK Rally for Healthcare Independence held at the Capitol in July.

Elected officials have two issues to consider - whether or not to establish a health insurance exchange [state-based or otherwise], and whether or not to expand Medicaid coverage.

The short answer to both is "No." 

The exchanges are the cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act, and will tie into the other "exchange", namely the health information exchange.  Expanding Medicaid coverage to more people (to 133% of FPL) will break the bank - we can not afford it.

Opposing "ObamaCare"

In the fall of 2010 Oklahomans made it clear that they oppose the implementation of the Affordable Care Act ("ObamaCare"). SQ 756 passed with a 65% majority - that cannot be characterized as a tea party "faction" - that is a majority of Oklahomans.

As far as expanding Medicaid coverage to even more people the cost is prohibitive - who is going to pay for it?

Governor Fallin needs to hear from Oklahomans that the answer is still NO to both issues. 

The Office of Governor Mary Fallin

Local: (405) 521-2342
Fax: (405) 521-3353


Tulsa Office of Governor Mary Fallin
440 S. Houston Ave., Suite 304
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127

Phone (918) 581-2801 

Fax (918) 581-2835

House Switchboard: 1-800-522-8502, or 405-521-2711
Senate Switchboard: 1-800-865-6490, or 405-524-0126

OK Insurance Commissioner John Doak:
Local: 405-521-2828
Toll Free Number: 800-522-0071

Both Fallin and Doak are up for re-election in 2014. 

To find your elected official go to .

See our website, Exposing Health Care Reform, for more details on the issue of health care reform, the exchanges, and the OK legislative timeline for its implementation.

Remember 2010? Everyone Campaigned Against  "ObamaCare"

Remember 2010 in Oklahoma? That was a banner election; that was the year Republicans made a clean sweep of all the statewide offices, from the Governor's office to the Insurance Commissioner.

All of these candidates ran on a platform opposing the implementation of "ObamaCare".

Fallin March 2010
(2010 Photo taken by R.V.S.)

That year SQ 756, the anti-Obamacare question, appeared on the November ballot, and passed with an overwhelming majority. 

Created by Senate Joint Resolution 59, SQ 756 amended the Oklahoma Constitution by adding a new Section 37 to Article 2, the Bill of Rights..

This section reads, in part:

B. To preserve the freedom of Oklahomans to provide for their health care:

1. A law or rule shall not compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer or health care provider to participate in any health care system; and

2. A person or employer may pay directly for lawful health care services and shall not be required to pay penalties or fines for paying directly for lawful health care services. A health care provider may accept direct payment for lawful health care services and shall not be required to pay penalties or fines for accepting direct payment from a person or employer for lawful health care services.   


This section appears to simply state that a person, employer, or health care provider cannot be compelled to participate in a health care system.  Nowhere does it say that a person will not be compelled to purchase health insurance, nor does the language appear to prohibit an insurance exchange.    


Does this mean one could still be compelled to purchase health insurance, but could not be compelled to "participate" in using the services it covers?   

SJR vs HJR 1054

SJR 59 was the weaker of two joint resolutions offered in 2010 opposing the federal mandate; the other was HJR 1054.  The weaker of the two passed by the Republican-led legislature.  
  1. SJR 59, by Newberry/Thompson, amended Article 2, entitled BIll of Rights.  
  2. HJR 1054, by Ritze/Brogdon, amended Article 19, entitled Insurance.   

If HJR 1054 had been allowed to pass, that year's ballot would have read:

"This measure amends the Oklahoma Constitution.  It would add a new Section 5 to Article 19.  This amendment makes the purchase of health care services voluntary.  No law or rule can require a person to purchase health care insurance.  No penalties or fines can be imposed on a person who chooses not to purchase health care insurance."

Instead, the weaker SJR 59 passed and the ballot read (per the bill):

"This measure adds a new section of law to the State Constitution.  It adds Section 37 to Article 2.  It prohibits making a person use a health care system.  It prohibits making an employer use a health care system.  It prohibits making a health care provider provide treatment in a health care system.  It allows a person to pay for treatment directly.  It allows an employer to pay for treatment directly.  It allows a health care provider to accept payment for treatment directly.  It allows the purchase of health insurance in private health care systems.  It allows the sale of health insurance in private health care systems."

HJR 1054 clearly said one could not be compelled to purchase health insurance;  SJR 59 only states one could not be compelled to use a health care system.

Again, what did this constitutional amendment really mean for Oklahomans?

Politics over Policy

Questions about the distinctions between the two questions - each amending a different section of the OK Constitution, each with wording variations and intents -  were raised at the time by the Executive Director of OK-SAFE, but these concerns were pushed aside.

Mary Fallin and Sen. Randy Brodgon (author of HJR 1054) were both running for Governor during 2010. Both campaigned against "ObamaCare". 

SJR 59 authors were Sen. Dan Newberry and Rep. Mike Thompson.  [Thompson, who was running for higher office at the time,  went on to work for the insurance commission, as did Brogdon.]

The question for our elected officials is "What does Article 2, Section 37 of the Oklahoma Constitution really mean for the people of Oklahoma?"

From the NY Times:
U.S. Extends a Deadline for States on Coverage

By  ROBERT PEAR Published: November 9, 2012

WASHINGTON - With many states lagging far behind schedule, the Obama administration said Friday that it would extend the deadline for them to submit plans for health insurance exchanges, the online markets where millions of Americans are expected to obtain private coverage subsidized by the federal government.

Rest here.



The OK-SAFE, Inc. logo
is a registered trademark.

Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Incorporated (OK-SAFE, Inc.) is a non-profit 501(c)4 Oklahoma Corporation made up of individuals and coalition groups dedicated to the Principles of American Free Enterprise and the Constitutional Sovereignty of Oklahoma and the United States of America.

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Action Alert/Newsletter 
November 7, 2012
In This Issue
OK 2012 Election Results - Unofficial

Radio Interviews
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Visit Our Websites:

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Join Our List:
Sign up for our Newsletters and Action Alerts.

Listen Online: Listen anytime to the podcasts of OK-SAFE's radio program America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio.

Radio Podcasts

Listen to America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio. 

07/20/12 -
On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 the OK State Chamber of Commerce held a Legislative Wrap Up meeting at NSU in Broken Arrow, OK. The Chamber's presentations were revealing - they admit they are actively recruiting and running "pro-business" candidates who will do their bidding once elected. Discussed are the Chamber's mechanisms for getting them to change their votes. Also discussed is the OK Civil Justice Council, aimed at targeting those judges who don't render "pro-business" decisions in court. For those who had any doubts about the OK Chamber's agenda - this is must hear listening.

07/06/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. Pastor Paul Blair ran for Senate Dist. 41, against incumbent Sen. Clark Jolley. What happened during that campaign and Paul's plans going forward.

06/29/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. One grassroots candidate, Pastor Dan Fisher, did succeed in getting elected to OK HD 60. Join as we discuss this most contentious campaign and Dan's plans for HD 60. 


06/08/2012 - Water Nightmare.

OK Governor Mary Fallin has signed one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever. Called the Water for 2060 Act, HB 3055 states "the public policy of this state is to establish and work toward a goal of consuming no more fresh water in the year 2060 than is consumed statewide in the year 2012". Can anyone say water rationing? Hosts Amanda and Don discuss the ramifications of this dangerous legislation and recommended actions for Oklahomans.

Click Here for more shows.
Oklahoma Capitol
Check the OK-SAFE website for more recommended research sites.
Contact Us

P.O. Box 33148
Tulsa, OK  74153 

2012 Dues now due.
Your dues make our work possible!

online or make checks payable to 
OK-SAFE, Inc. and mail to the above P.O. Box.

Individual: $50/yr
Group: $100/yr

OK-SAFE, Inc. is a 501c4 non-profit Oklahoma corporation.

OK-SAFE Banner
Thank you to all those who recently donated to OK-SAFE or paid membership dues.  Your financial contributions help us continue our efforts to restore liberty in Oklahoma.

The Board of OK-SAFE, Inc.

2012 OK Election Results  (Unofficial)

OK-SAFE, Inc. - November 6, 2012, was the general election.  The big loss, in more ways than one, was Presidential election, of course. 


Anyone else ready to sever the ties with California and the East  Coast? 


One OK-SAFE board member has family outside the Chicago area (ask the people who live there, there are two Illinois' - Chicago, and the rest of the state). This family member observed that many in this country have adopted Chicago's "street" mentality - making decisions based on "What's in it for me?".  Principle is not part of the equation - these people do not care what happens to anyone else.  


Needless to say, the election choices made by too many people today demonstrate just how far this country has declined morally, culturally, and spiritually.  


There is obvious disparity and a disconnect between the bankrupt Coasts and Middle America -  yet progressives in both parties continue to infect the heartland with their Godless, corrupted worldview, causing even those states that should be home to the God-fearing to stumble. (Remember when Colorado was conservative? Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania?)     


If ever there was a time for God's people to be in repentance, now is it.  American church - where are you?   


OK Election Results (complete list on the OK-SAFE blog) 


US Congress


Dist. 01 - Jim Bridenstine (R) with 63% of the vote 

Dist. 02 - MarkWayne Mullin (R) with 57.3%  

Dist. 03 - Frank Lucas (R) incumbent with 73.3%  

Dist. 04 - Tom Cole (R) incumbent with 67.9% 

Dist. 05 - James Lankford (R) incumbent with 58.7% 


Vision2 Defeated


If you live in Tulsa County there was some good news - both Proposition 1 & 2 of the proposed Vision2 scheme went down in defeat, due in great part the Tulsa912 group, OKforTea, Michael Bates, and groups from all parts of Tulsa County working together.  Well done, all!


Judges and State Questions

 The OK Supreme Court justices all retained their seats, along with all other judges on the state ballot.  The vote was split roughly 65/35 to retain. 


All six questions passed. SQ 765 (dealing with DHS) was the only question OK-SAFE supported, and only that one with reservations.  Our recommendations to vote NO on the rest were aimed at protecting the people from (unintended?) consequences, especially with SQ 758 and SQ 766.  Because the ad valorem issue is so complicated, most folks could not see how they are going to be negatively effected.  And they will be. 


House and Senate


Good news is that Rep. John Bennett (HD-2) is returning to the House, despite a concerted effort by the State Chamber to unseat him for not being "pro-business" - which means he was  guilty of having called the Chamber out on what they're doing.  Newcomer Pastor Dan Fisher secured HD 60 with 62.3% of the vote. 


Upsets for the grassroots included the Senate Dist. 5 race in southeastern OK - conservative Howard Houchen (R) lost to incumbent Jerry Ellis (D); the Senate Dist. 11 race in Tulsa,  Dave Bell (R) lost to incumbent Jabar Shumate (D); and House Dist. 12 candidate David Tackett narrowly lost to incumbent Wade Rousselot (D).   In each case, the establishment's Republican party was slow to support the people's candidates. 


State Question Election results from the Oklahoma State Election Board:



FOR THE PROPOSAL - YES856,71167.70%


FOR THE PROPOSAL - YES744,55459.20%


FOR THE PROPOSAL - YES743,86559.20%


FOR THE PROPOSAL - YES705,03656.70%


FOR THE PROPOSAL - YES750,55859.90%


FOR THE PROPOSAL - YES824,74265.00%



The OK-SAFE, Inc. logo
is a registered trademark.

Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Incorporated (OK-SAFE, Inc.) is a non-profit 501(c)4 Oklahoma Corporation made up of individuals and coalition groups dedicated to the Principles of American Free Enterprise and the Constitutional Sovereignty of Oklahoma and the United States of America.

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Action Alert/Newsletter 
October 24, 2012
In This Issue:
Oct. 27th - Rally for the Republic, Tulsa

Oct. 25th - Public Discussion on the Six State Questions on November Ballot - Broken Arrow

Quality Jobs Incentive Payments

Radio Interviews
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Visit Our Websites:

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Sign up for our Newsletters and Action Alerts.

Listen Online: Listen anytime to the podcasts of OK-SAFE's radio program America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio.

Radio Podcasts

Listen to America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio. 

07/20/12 -
On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 the OK State Chamber of Commerce held a Legislative Wrap Up meeting at NSU in Broken Arrow, OK. The Chamber's presentations were revealing - they admit they are actively recruiting and running "pro-business" candidates who will do their bidding once elected. Discussed are the Chamber's mechanisms for getting them to change their votes. Also discussed is the OK Civil Justice Council, aimed at targeting those judges who don't render "pro-business" decisions in court. For those who had any doubts about the OK Chamber's agenda - this is must hear listening.

07/06/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. Pastor Paul Blair ran for Senate Dist. 41, against incumbent Sen. Clark Jolley. What happened during that campaign and Paul's plans going forward.

06/29/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. One grassroots candidate, Pastor Dan Fisher, did succeed in getting elected to OK HD 60. Join as we discuss this most contentious campaign and Dan's plans for HD 60. 


06/08/2012 - Water Nightmare.

OK Governor Mary Fallin has signed one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever. Called the Water for 2060 Act, HB 3055 states "the public policy of this state is to establish and work toward a goal of consuming no more fresh water in the year 2060 than is consumed statewide in the year 2012". Can anyone say water rationing? Hosts Amanda and Don discuss the ramifications of this dangerous legislation and recommended actions for Oklahomans.

Click Here for more shows.
Oklahoma Capitol
Check the OK-SAFE website for more recommended research sites.
Contact Us

P.O. Box 33148
Tulsa, OK  74153 

2012 Dues now due.
Your dues make our work possible!

online or make checks payable to 
OK-SAFE, Inc. and mail to the above P.O. Box.

Individual: $50/yr
Group: $100/yr

OK-SAFE, Inc. is a 501c4 non-profit Oklahoma corporation.

OK-SAFE Banner
Thank you to all those who recently donated to OK-SAFE or paid membership dues.  Your financial contributions help us continue our efforts to restore liberty in Oklahoma.

The Board of OK-SAFE, Inc.
Saturday, Oct. 27th - Rally for the Republic in Tulsa 

This announcement from our friends at OKforTea:

What: "Save the Republic" Rally
When: October 27, 2012 - 10:00am to 2:00pm
Where: LaFortune on the field on the corner of 61st & Yale across from St. Francis hospital.
Speakers so far will be Tea Party Approved only: LCDR Jim Bridenstine (Candidate for OK 1 District Congress) , State Senator Elect Nathan Dahm, State Rep. Dr. Mike Ritze, J.W. Berry (Founder and Executive OKforTEA), Tom Counts (Executive Director for OKforTEA), Matthew Vermillion (Host of OKforTEA Radio and Station Owner of, Ronda Vuillemont-Smith (President of Tulsa 9/12 Project), Jennie White (Restoring Oklahoma Public Education), Amanda Teegarden (OK-SAFE, Inc), Dave Bell (Candidate for Oklahoma State Senate District 11), Darren Gantz (Oklahomans for Liberty) and others.
Sponsors:  Tulsa 9/12 Project, 1170 KFAQ, Tulsa Beacon and OKforTEA.  
Why: To get Tea Party Approved Candidates, Legislators and grassroots leaders in front of you, the people the voters. Great music and it is time to PUT UP or SHUT UP. Come out and help us "Save the Republic."
OKforTea: 2608 W. Kenosha # 657 | Broken Arrow | OK | 74012 - 918-409-2028
ix State Questions on the November 2012 Ballot.

NOTE: From the Tulsa912 Project: 
State Representative Mike Ritze and Tulsa 9.12 will co-host a Voter Information Forum at Arrow Heights Baptist Church, 3201 S. Elm Place, on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 from 6:30 -8PM. The event will provide information on the 6 State Questions, Judges and Vision 2.
  This event is free and open to the public.

OK-SAFE, Inc.  - Apparently, not everyone is in agreement on the six state questions on the upcoming November 6th ballot.

Good. The questions are dealing with some challenging issues (property taxation, affirmative action, bonded indebtedness) and need plenty of airing out and discussion before being voted on.

After publishing the OK-SAFE voter guide on the state questions, some folks were scratching their heads over some of our recommendations. Particularly the two questions dealing with the ad valorem taxation - SQ 758 (putting a 3% "cap" on fair cash value of property) and SQ 766 (exempting intangible personal property from ad valorem taxation).


We recommended a NO vote on both.


After examining the six state questions, and doing due diligence on research, we concluded that 5 of the 6 questions deserve a NO vote, and one a YES vote. 

The NO Votes are SQ 758, 759, 762, 764, and 766.  The one YES vote, with reservations, is SQ 765.

For details on the ballot title, ballot language, and our recommended vote, see our blog post here or the front page of our website at Click here for our printable flyer, listing all these details.


One County Assessor read our recommendations on the state questions and took the time to send us an email.  Wade Patterson, Garfield County Assessor, was a member of the 21-member committee that studied the tax questions, and was part of the group that submitted language that would have mitigated the negative impact the Civil Court of Appeals decision on the SW Bell Telephone case dealing with intangible property. Their recommended solution/language was not adopted by the legislature.


With his permission, Mr. Patterson's email is noted below:


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Hello Mr. Sellers:

I just wanted to take the time to say what a good job you did on explaining the state questions.  You have done some extensive research on the ad valorem topic and have a good grasp on what happens when one group gets special treatment.  You hit the nail on the head by expressing the opinion that it will simply transfer the responsibility to pay the bill to everyone that did not receive the same special treatment.


Rest of letter and post is available on the OK-SAFE blog.
Quality Jobs Incentive Payments - Chesapeake, Halliburton, Wal-Mart

Plenty has been said about subsidizing a basketball team in OK. Does anybody really think companies like Chesapeake, Halliburton and Wal-Mart need to be subsidized as well?

Conducting the research on the state questions dealing with ad valorem taxation, and corporate exemptions, we spent some time on the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC)

The OTC publishes a series of reports, including one entitled Quality Jobs Incentive Payment Report.  This annual reports lists all those specially designated industries/companies that qualify for a taxpayer funded  "incentive payment". Bottom line, your tax dollars are being used to reduce certain companies' operating costs.

A few out of the 629 companies listed in the 2012 report as receiving payments from the Oklahoma Tax Commission are:
  • AAA - $926,855
  • Boeing - $573,559
  • Chesapeake Operating Inc. - $7,148,048 
  • Conoco Phillips Co. - $4,749,758  
  • Halliburton Energy Serv. Inc. - $2,026,636
  • Sandridge Operating Co. - $6,575,091
  • Spirit Aerosystems - $4,281,325 
  • The Professional Basketball Club LLC - $3,192,226
  • Wal-Mart Stores East - $1,064,886    

Several of the payments go out of state. The 2012 Quality Jobs incentive payments totaled $68,904,917.39.


It would be interesting to cross-check those industries that are seeking additional tax exemptions with those industries also receiving Quality Jobs incentive payments.




The OK-SAFE, Inc. logo
is a registered trademark.

Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Incorporated (OK-SAFE, Inc.) is a non-profit 501(c)4 Oklahoma Corporation made up of individuals and coalition groups dedicated to the Principles of American Free Enterprise and the Constitutional Sovereignty of Oklahoma and the United States of America.

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October 15, 2012
In This Issue:

Six State Questions on November Ballot

Quality Jobs Incentive Payments

Senate SubCommittee on Offshoring Profits

Solyndra Tax Avoidance Scheme

Radio Interviews
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Visit Our Websites:

Check Our Blog:  
Join Our List:
Sign up for our Newsletters and Action Alerts.

Listen Online: Listen anytime to the podcasts of OK-SAFE's radio program America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio.

Radio Podcasts

Listen to America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio. 

07/20/12 -
On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 the OK State Chamber of Commerce held a Legislative Wrap Up meeting at NSU in Broken Arrow, OK. The Chamber's presentations were revealing - they admit they are actively recruiting and running "pro-business" candidates who will do their bidding once elected. Discussed are the Chamber's mechanisms for getting them to change their votes. Also discussed is the OK Civil Justice Council, aimed at targeting those judges who don't render "pro-business" decisions in court. For those who had any doubts about the OK Chamber's agenda - this is must hear listening.

07/06/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. Pastor Paul Blair ran for Senate Dist. 41, against incumbent Sen. Clark Jolley. What happened during that campaign and Paul's plans going forward.

06/29/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. One grassroots candidate, Pastor Dan Fisher, did succeed in getting elected to OK HD 60. Join as we discuss this most contentious campaign and Dan's plans for HD 60. 


06/08/2012 - Water Nightmare.

OK Governor Mary Fallin has signed one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever. Called the Water for 2060 Act, HB 3055 states "the public policy of this state is to establish and work toward a goal of consuming no more fresh water in the year 2060 than is consumed statewide in the year 2012". Can anyone say water rationing? Hosts Amanda and Don discuss the ramifications of this dangerous legislation and recommended actions for Oklahomans.

Click Here for more shows.
Oklahoma Capitol
Check the OK-SAFE website for more recommended research sites.
Contact Us

P.O. Box 33148
Tulsa, OK  74153 

2012 Dues now due.
Your dues make our work possible!

online or make checks payable to 
OK-SAFE, Inc. and mail to the above P.O. Box.

Individual: $50/yr
Group: $100/yr

OK-SAFE, Inc. is a 501c4 non-profit Oklahoma corporation.

Book and Video

Plundered! How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America, by  Michael Coffman, Ph.D.  
Plundered! Book Cover
Order here.

Behold A Pale Horse, America's Last Chance, by Heartland Pictures
Behold a Pale Horse DVD

Feature length documentary featuring a original music by Charlie Daniels.  Contains over 35 interviews, including three from Oklahoma - Amanda Teegarden, Kaye Beach and Charles Key.

Order here.

OK-SAFE Banner
Thank you to all those who recently donated to OK-SAFE or paid membership dues.  Your financial contributions help us continue our efforts to restore liberty in Oklahoma.

The Board of OK-SAFE, Inc.
Six State Questions on the November 2012 Ballot.

  The Scream, by Edvard Munch

OK-SAFE, Inc.  - Apparently, not everyone is in agreement on the six state questions on the upcoming November 6th ballot.

Good. The questions are dealing with some challenging issues (property taxation, affirmative action, bonded indebtedness) and need plenty of airing out and discussion before being voted on.

After publishing the OK-SAFE voter guide on the state questions, some folks were scratching their heads over some of our recommendations. Particularly the two questions dealing with the ad valorem taxation - SQ 758 (putting a 3% "cap" on fair cash value of property) and SQ 766 (exempting intangible personal property from ad valorem taxation).


We recommended a NO vote on both.


Ad Valorem (Property Tax)


The Ad Valorem taxation subject is  a relatively new one for us - we normally deal with issues of rights to life, liberty and property, the growth of government, surveillance technology, health care reform, sustainable development, etc.


We took a long time analyzing the six state questions, paying particular attention to the context of the proposal,  what was being amended, what the intent was, and more importantly, what would be the effect of the proposed state question.  We also checked for connections to other national efforts.


This analysis included consulting with County Assessors and with the Oklahoma Tax Commission


We did not consult the author of the two tax bills, considering them to be biased, nor with the State Chamber of Commerce, considering them to be biased AND unprincipled.


We also kept in mind the nature of this legislature/administration - passing laws that protect life, liberty and property is not their habit.


Asking ourselves, "How likely is it that this same legislature/administration passed any state questions that actually benefit the citizens of Oklahoma; that the questions put on the 2012 ballot will really result in the protection of life, liberty and property?"


Thinking back over the resistance to bills generated by the people of Oklahoma, the continued implementation of the REAL ID Act and the "ObamaCare" bills, the repeated failure to pass the real Personhood bill, the health insurance exchange battle, etc. we decided the answer was, "Not likely." (See longer list of usurpations here.)


After examining the six state questions, and doing due diligence on research, we concluded that 5 of the 6 questions deserve a NO vote, and one a YES vote. 

The NO Votes are SQ 758, 759, 762, 764, and 766.  The one YES vote, with reservations, is SQ 765.

For details on the ballot title, ballot language, and our recommended vote, see our blog post here or the front page of our website at Click here for our printable flyer, listing all these details.


One County Assessor read our recommendations on the state questions and took the time to send us an email.  Wade Patterson, Garfield County Assessor, was a member of the 21-member committee that studied the tax questions, and was part of the group that submitted language that would have mitigated the negative impact the Civil Court of Appeals decision on the SW Bell Telephone case dealing with intangible property. Their recommended solution/language was not adopted by the legislature.


With his permission, Mr. Patterson's email is noted below:


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Hello Mr. Sellers:

I just wanted to take the time to say what a good job you did on explaining the state questions.  You have done some extensive research on the ad valorem topic and have a good grasp on what happens when one group gets special treatment.  You hit the nail on the head by expressing the opinion that it will simply transfer the responsibility to pay the bill to everyone that did not receive the same special treatment.


Rest of letter and post is available on the OK-SAFE blog
Quality Jobs Incentive Payments - Chesapeake, Halliburton, Wal-Mart

Plenty has been said about subsidizing a basketball team in OK. Does anybody really think companies like Chesapeake, Halliburton and Wal-Mart need to be subsidized as well?

Conducting the research on the state questions dealing with ad valorem taxation, and corporate exemptions, we spent some time on the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC)

The OTC publishes a series of reports, including one entitled Quality Jobs Incentive Payment Report.  This annual reports lists all those specially designated industries/companies that qualify for a taxpayer funded  "incentive payment". Bottom line, your tax dollars are being used to reduce certain companies' operating costs.

A few out of the 629 companies listed in the 2012 report as receiving payments from the Oklahoma Tax Commission are:
  • AAA - $926,855
  • Boeing - $573,559
  • Chesapeake Operating Inc. - $7,148,048 
  • Conoco Phillips Co. - $4,749,758  
  • Halliburton Energy Serv. Inc. - $2,026,636
  • Sandridge Operating Co. - $6,575,091
  • Spirit Aerosystems - $4,281,325 
  • The Professional Basketball Club LLC - $3,192,226
  • Wal-Mart Stores East - $1,064,886    

Several of the payments go out of state. The 2012 Quality Jobs incentive payments totaled $68,904,917.39.


It would be interesting to cross-check those industries that are seeking additional tax exemptions with those industries also receiving Quality Jobs incentive payments.


More Tax Issues - From the OK-SAFE Blog

OK-SAFE, Inc. - Since two of the six state questions scheduled to be on Oklahoma's November 6, 2012 ballot deal with taxes, (SQ 758 and SQ 766 deal with ad valorem tax),  it might be good to get a feel for what is being discussed in D.C. on the issue of corporate tax avoidance.


Senate Committee Swearing In C-SPAN  

Link to September 20, 2012 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Permanent Investigations meeting on Corporate Offshore Profit Shifting: 


Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) chairs the hearing; Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) appears as co-chair.  Coburn's initial comments include the statement that tax avoidance is not illegal, that this problem has been incentivized by government policies.  He further comments that the committees report is about the symptoms, not the disease, and that the tax code needs to be revamped.  Sen. Levin contended that some corporations are taking advantage of loop holes that are not actually allowed.


Univ. of Michigan Profes sor of Law Reuven Avi-Yonah provides testimony that touches on the issue of intangibles.  Avi-Yonah's  testimony begins at roughly minute marker 45:00.

Solyndra Tax Avoidance Scheme - From the WA Times:
IRS says 'tax avoidance' at heart of Solyndra bankruptcy plan
By Jim McElhattan, October 10, 2012

"The Internal Revenue Service urged a bankruptcy judge to reject solar panel maker Solyndra LLC's bankruptcy plan Wednesday, saying it amounts to little more than an avenue for owners of an empty corporate shell to avoid paying taxes.


"The undeniable conclusion is that tax benefits drive this plan," attorneys for the IRS wrote in a bankruptcy pleading.

Solyndra Hdqtrs photo by WA Times   

Solyndra Hdqtrs photo - WA Times 


Arguing that the bankruptcy court ought not confirm a plan "whose principal purpose is tax avoidance," attorneys said in filings in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware that the tax breaks would be worth more money than funds set aside for creditors.


Taxpayers are on the hook for more than a half-billion dollars after the company filed for bankruptcy last year, just two years after winning a loan guarantee from the Department of Energy.


What's more, government attorneys said that as far back as 2010, Solyndra owners had "planned meticulously" to be able to use Solyndra's net operating losses to offset future tax liabilities." 

[Excerpt Source:  IRS says 'tax avoidance' at heart of Solyndra bankruptcy plan - Washington Times.]

Oklahoma's George Kaiser was a primary investor in Solyndra:
Kaiser Charity Sought Solyndra Plant After Billionaire Founder Aided Obama.

A good overview of the stories on this issue are on TaxProf Blog:

George Kaiser contributed generously to the 2012 re-election campaigns of Sen. Mike Mazzei, Sen. Brian Crain, Sen. Dan Newberry, and Sen. Clark Jolley.


The OK-SAFE, Inc. logo
is a registered trademark.

Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Incorporated (OK-SAFE, Inc.) is a non-profit 501(c)4 Oklahoma Corporation made up of individuals and coalition groups dedicated to the Principles of American Free Enterprise and the Constitutional Sovereignty of Oklahoma and the United States of America.

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September 17, 2012

In This Issue:
Who Do You Say I Am?

U.S. and Mexico Sign Border 2020 Plan

The Video Didn't Do It

Drones Over Oklahoma, Drone Debate, Facial Recognition

State Questions

Book Review - Sir William Blackstone & The Common Law

Radio Interviews
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Visit Our Websites:

Check Our Blog:  
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Sign up for our Newsletters and Action Alerts.

Listen Online:  Listen anytime to the podcasts of OK-SAFE's radio program America in the Balance on Truth in Focus intern et radio.

Radio Podcasts

Listen to America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio. 

07/20/12 -
On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 the OK State Chamber of Commerce held a Legislative Wrap Up meeting at NSU in Broken Arrow, OK. The Chamber's presentations were revealing - they admit they are actively recruiting and running "pro-business" candidates who will do their bidding once elected. Discussed are the Chamber's mechanisms for getting them to change their votes. Also discussed is the OK Civil Justice Council, aimed at targeting those judges who don't render "pro-business" decisions in court. For those who had any doubts about the OK Chamber's agenda - this is must hear listening.

07/06/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. Pastor Paul Blair ran for Senate Dist. 41, against incumbent Sen. Clark Jolley. What happened during that campaign and Paul's plans going forward.

06/29/2012 - In June Oklahoma experienced an unprecedented number of challenges to Republican incumbents. Grassroots candidates faced stiff opposition from the establishment machinery - everything from personal attacks, to outright lies - and most lost in the primary election. One grassroots candidate, Pastor Dan Fisher, did succeed in getting elected to OK HD 60. Join as we discuss this most contentious campaign and Dan's plans for HD 60 .  


06/08/2012 - Water Nightmare.

OK Governor Mary Fallin has signed one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever. Called the Water for 2060 Act, HB 3055 states "the public policy of this state is to establish and work toward a goal of consuming no more fresh water in the year 2060 than is consumed statewide in the year 2012". Can anyone say water rationing? Hosts Amanda and Don discuss the ramifications of this dangerous legislation and recommended actions for Oklahomans.

Click Here for more shows.
Oklahoma Capitol

Contact Us

P.O. Box 33148
Tulsa, OK  74153 

2012 Dues now due.
Your dues make our work possible!

online or make checks payable to 
OK-SAFE, Inc. and mail to the above P.O. Box.

Individual: $50/yr
Group: $100/yr

OK-SAFE, Inc. is a 501c4 non-profit Oklahoma corporation.

Book and Video

Plundered! How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America, by  Michael Coffman, Ph.D.  
Plundered! Book Cover
Order here.

Behold A Pale Horse , America's Last Chance, by Heartland Pictures
Behold a Pale Horse DVD

Feature length documentary featuring a original music by Charlie Daniels.  Contains over 35 interviews, including three from Oklahoma - Amanda Teegarden, Kaye Beach and Charles Key.

Order here.

OK-SAFE Banner
Thank you to all those who recently donated to OK-SAFE or paid membership dues.  Your financial contributions help us continue our efforts to restore liberty in Oklahoma.

The Board of OK-SAFE, Inc.

Who Do You Say I Am?

A important question we must ask ourselves is, "Who do you say Jesus Christ is?"   


"Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" And they said, "Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets."He *said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"


Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."


And Jesus said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it." Matthew 16:13-19 


The choice in November is between a Muslim (?) and a Mormon.  Neither belief acknowledges who and what Jesus Christ truly is.   


So what then? Are we to expect God to "bless America" if we knowingly elect someone who denies Christ or preaches "another" Gospel?   


Something to think about. 


U.S. and Mexico Sign Border 2020 Plan  


OK-SAFE, Inc. -  NASCO's (North America's SuperCorridor Coaltion) latest newsletter included this article about a bi-national agreement dealing with the 2,000 mile U.S.-Mexico border.


Called Border 2020, this agreement was signed on August 8, 2012 and builds on the EPA's Border 2012 Plan.  


Border 2020 Logo  

The Border 2020 Mission Statement reads:


"As a result of the partnership among U.S. Border Tribes and federal, state and local governments in the United States and Mexico, the mission of the Border 2020 program is to: Protect the environment and public health in the U.S.-Mexico border region, consistent with the principles of sustainable development."


Border 2020 is funded in part by the BECC (Border Environment Cooperation Commission) and the  NADBank, (North American Development Bank) and is another example of regional governance.   


Border 2020 institutionalizes a structure that crosses traditional national and jurisdictional boundaries. This has created a bi-national region with a separate 'governance' structure.  


Some out there are characterizing the 100-mile wide perimeter of the U.S. as "constitution-free" zones. The U.S. is funding infrastructure on both countries in this zone, so the question is, where is the real southern U.S. border? 


Rest of the OK-SAFE blog post is here


What is the BECC?


From the NADBank quarterly status report dated June 2012:


"The Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC)

Bank (NADB) were established by the U.S. and Mexican governments for the purpose of enhancing and the North American Development environmental conditions and the quality of life of people living along the U.S.-Mexico border. Created as interdependent institutions, NADB and BECC function as a team, working with communities and project sponsors to develop, finance and build affordable and self-sustaining projects with broad community support."


The BECC is an unelected political entity that facilitates public hearings ostensibly to seek input from the citizens on infrastructure projects for their communities. (Mostly "alternative energy" projects.) The BECC, working with public and private sector sponsors, reviews and certifies the projects for development.  The local taxpayers fund the BECC certified projects through increased taxes and/or bonds.  One bank, the North American Development Bank, finances the loans and collects the interest.   


Border 2020 Plan and Tulsa's VISION2


In August Tulsa County Commissions (John Smaligo, Karen Keith and Fred Perry) approved a proposed tax increase ("extension")  to fund local infrastructure projects, that creates a slush fund to bribe corporations with, and a trust to oversee it all.  This tax is mostly for the benefit of a few private sector entities. 


Called Vision2, this tax is a continuation of the Vision 2025 "temporary tax" passed in 2003, which doesn't even expire until 2017.   After voting to put the tax on the ballot, the city and county officials have had a series of rushed "public input" [aka c.y.a.] meetings, for ideas on projects that are already decided.


Probably no-so-coincidentally, the Border 2020 Plan and the Vision2 scheme are very similar:
  •  Border 2020 - Established an unelected commission that reviews and approves (pie in the sky, pre-determined) infrastructure projects in a selected geographical area, where one bank issues the loans and collects the interest, and where the borrower has taxing authority.
  • Vision2 - Would establish an unelected trust that reviews and approves (pie in the sky, pre-determined) infrastructure projects in a selected geographical area, where one bank issues the loans and collects the interest, and where the borrower has taxing authority.
This central planning formula being applied in both places. Who benefits?  A few private sector entities, the contractor/developer, and the bank. The local citizens get the bill, more unnecessary infrastructure and a reduction in disposable income. 

This is not the formula of a real economy - it's the picture of central planner's "boom/bust" managed economic catastrophes.


SchemersWay to go central planners.  


The Vision2 tax will be on the November 6, 2012 ballot in Tulsa County.


From American Vision News
Officials: attacks not due to video, but planned retaliation for drone strikes -
by Joel McDurmon, Sept. 14, 2012

While the liberal media, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and others are trying to blame an "Anti-Muslim" video for inciting a spontaneous attack on American embassies, other officials are citing and investigating contrary evidence. Rather, the scale, timing, and coordination of the attacks indicate that they were planned ahead of time, and likely in retaliation for American drone strikes against Al Qaida operatives.


Rest of article here.     


The Drone Debate

Sometimes the ACLU gets it right. Progressives and technocrats are big advocates of liberty killing surveillance systems, having no regard for natural boundaries, personal privacy or human dignity.  


Something both conservatives and liberals can agree on is the fact that drones flying over U.S. soil is a problem and needs addressing now.  From an ACLU newsletter, dated 9/13/12:


"Oklahoma recently became ground zero in the research and development of drones (read an article on These unmanned aerial vehicles range in size from 737 jets to fitting in the palm of your hand. No doubt, they have the potential to aid in times of natural disasters like wildfires, tornadoes and flooding. They can also help find missing persons and could be of benefit to farmers and ranchers.


But without new privacy laws, drones represent a threat to the privacy rights of Oklahomans. Read the ACLU's report on drones (PDF)."


The ACLU's report is entitled Protecting Privacy from Aerial Surveillance.    


FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America  

RT, September 8, 2012


Excerpt: "Birthmarks, be damned: the FBI has officially started rolling out a state-of-the-art face recognition project that will assist in their effort to accumulate and archive information about each and every American at a cost of a billion dollars.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation has reached a milestone in the development of their Next Generation Identification (NGI) program and is now implementing the intelligence database in unidentified locales across the country, New Scientist reports in an article this week. The FBI first outlined the project back in 2005, explaining to the Justice Department in an August 2006 document (.pdf) that their new system will eventually serve as an upgrade to the current Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) that keeps track of citizens with criminal records across America."


Rest of article here



Six State Questions on the November 2012 Ballot.

 In addition to the Presidential "election", there will be six state questions on the November 6, 2012 ballot in Oklahoma.

OK-SAFE has pulled the information on the six questions from the Secretary of State website and posted it on the front page of our website, including a summary listing all six questions. 

So far, we are recommending a NO Vote on SQ 762, the state question that would remove the Governor from the pardon and parole board.  We will issue a final recommendations shortly and post this on our website.

The state questions on November ballot are:
  1. State Question No. 758 - Ad Valorem Taxation Limitation on Valuation Increases. The measure changes the limits on increases in fair cash value. Now, increases are limited to 5% of fair cash value in any taxable year. The measure changes the cap on increases to 3% for some property. The 3% cap would apply to homestead exempted property. The cap would also apply to agricultural land. The measure also removes obsolete language. OK-SAFE RECOMMENDATION PENDING - There are some concerns about the consequences of this question.  
  2. State Question No. 759 - Prohibits certain preferential treatment or discrimination.The measure deals with three areas of government action. These areas are employment, education and contracting. In these areas, the measure does not allow affirmative action programs.  RECOMMENDATION PENDING
  3. State Question No. 762 - Modifies the power and authority of the Governor and Pardon and Parole Board in the parole process for nonviolent offenders. It changes current law, decreasing the power and authority of the Governor by removing the Governor from the parole process for persons convicted of certain offenses defined as nonviolent offenses. It enlarges the power and authority of the Pardon and Parole Board by authorizing that Board, in place of the Governor, to grant parole to persons convicted of certain offenses defined as nonviolent offenses. OK-SAFE RECOMMENDS A NO VOTE ON SQ 762.  If passed, SQ 762 will transfer accountability from the Governor to an unelected Pardon and Parole Board, depriving the people of the ability to hold the decision maker directly accountable.
  4. State Question No. 764 -Creates the Water Infrastructure Credit Enhancement Reserve Fund; allows the OWRB to issue bondsAny bonds issued would be used to provide a reserve fund for the Board. The fund would be a reserve fund for certain water resource and sewage treatment funding programs.  RECOMMENDATION PENDING, but initial impression is a NO VOTE.
  5. State Question No. 765 - Repeals sections of the constitution relating to the Department of Public Welfare, its commission and director; grants the Legislature the authority to create and direct the administration of a department to provide for public welfare.  RECOMMENDATION PENDING.
  6. State Question No. 766Exempts all intangible personal property from ad valorem taxation. Intangible Personal Property which is still currently taxed but would not be taxed if the measure is adopted, includes items such as:
    - patents, inventions, formulas, designs, and trade secrets;
    - licenses, franchise, and contracts;
    - land leases, mineral interests, and insurance policies;
    - custom computer software; and
    - trademarks, trade names and brand names. RECOMMENDATION PENDING. - The State Chamber is in favor of this SQ, but there are some indications that there is a catch somewhere.  For one, the term intangible personal property is only partially and vaguely defined, which opens the door for multiple and inconsistent applications.  A second concern is, in the context of operating in a "knowledge-based economy" where does intangible personal property fit in?

Book Review-
Sir William Blackstone & The Common Law
by Robert D. Stacey, Ph.D.

This slim volume provides an overview of Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries, the common law tradition and the principles of natural law. Excerpt, "Until the twentieth century, to know the law was to know Blackstone." (p.53)


The book's chapters include The Lawyer of Cheapside, The English Common Law Tradition, The Legal Theory of Blackstone's Commentaries, and Blackstone in America.


Chapter 1's Introduction includes commentary on the culture war. Author Stacey writes, "In particular, three tensions - each resistant to easy revolution - are evident in the contemporary culture war." (p.24-26)


These three tensions are:

  1. Between the individual and the community - where "the interests or desires of the individual are sometimes at odds with those of the community..." Until recently, this country tipped the scale in favor of the individual, particularly concerning property, while acknowledging "the community's authority over moral concerns and issues pertaining to the common good." (p.24)
  2. Between liberty and security - "Men are tempted to trade natural rights and liberties in exchange for protection from real or imagined danger." Stacey goes on to say, "Preservation and security often mean vesting power and authority in the hands of someone - a strongman, a centralized government, etc. - who can do something about the danger. The downside is that the specially empowered authority can often become a danger itself." (p.25). This is where we are with the drones over U.S. soil, clearly an inappropriate use of the military's war-fighting surveillance technologies.
  3. Between science and religion - Stacey writes, "God created the natural world and established the natural law, both physical and moral, by which it is governed. For progressives the material world is essentially all there is." (p.26)

We have seen evidence of all of the above - i.e. the elimination of the rights of the individual in favor of communitarianism, including the taking of personal property; redefining personal privacy and liberty, and limitations on the ability to travel freely about without being poked, prodded, or surveilled, in the name of a nebulous "security"; the diminution and denial of God, and the destruction of life and family, in favor of science and technology (the rise of the technocrats).


Another way to characterize these tensions? It's a battle between good and evil.Let's pray that our newly elected officials take heed and work to restore some semblance of liberty (and sanity) in America. 


Sir William Blackstone & The Common Law, by Robert D. Stacey, Ph.D. is available here.




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Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Incorporated (OK-SAFE, Inc.) is a non-profit 501(c)4 Oklahoma Corporation made up of individuals and coalition groups dedicated to the Principles of American Free Enterprise and the Constitutional Sovereignty of Oklahoma and the United States of America.

OK-SAFE | P.O. Box 33148 | Tulsa | OK | 74153
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Other Resources

Supporting Documents

The Bill Of Rights:
(Outside Document)

Oklahoma Constitution:
(Outside Document)

The United States Constitution:
(Outside Document)

The Declaration of Independence:
(Outside Document)

The NAFTA Agreement:
(Outside Document)

(OK-Safe Document)

SAFETEA-LU Public Law 109-59:
(OK-Safe Document)

USDOT Corridors of the Future Program:
(OK-Safe Document)

Participants in USDOT Corridors of the Future Program:
(OK-Safe Document)

State of Oklahoma 

Oklahoma's Official Website


Oklahoma Governor's Office


Oklahoma Lieutenant Governor's Office


Oklahoma Secretary of State


Oklahoma Agency Directory


Oklahoma Office of State Finance


Oklahoma Open Books


OklahomaState Legislature


OklahomaState Courts Network


OklahomaState Constitution


OklahomaState Statutes


OklahomaState Election Board


Find Your Legislators


Links To Other Organizations 

Corridor Watch


Freedom 21


American Policy Center:


Eco-Logic Powerhouse:

Sovereignty International, Inc.

Conservative News:

Judicial Watch:

The August Review:

Trans-Texas Corridor:
(OK-SAFE Document)

WorldNet Daily:

Texans for Immigration Reform


The Conservative Caucus:

The John Birch Society :

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps:

Coalition for a Prosperous America:

State Legislators for Legal Immigration:

Owasso Taxpayer Alliance:


Liberty Ark Coalition:


Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance:




Arkansas Animal Producers:

The Arizona Sentinel:


Parental Rights:







Vicky Davis of Channeling Reality:

Joan Veon of

Joan Veon of

Charlotte T. Iserbyt of

Charlotte T. Iserbyt of

AxXiom for Liberty








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