Emergent Technocracy / Smart Meters
Philosophically, Technocracy found it roots in the scientific autocracy of Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825) and in the positivism of Auguste Comte (1798- 1857), the father of the social sciences. Positivism elevated science and the scientific method above metaphysical revelation. Technocrats embraced positivism because they believed that social progress was possible only through science and technology. [Schunk, Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective, 5th, 315]
Technocracy postulated that only scientists and engineers were capable of running a complex, technology-based society. Because technology, they reasoned, changed the social nature of societies, previous methods of government and economy were made obsolete. They disdained politicians and bureaucrats, who they viewed as incompetent. By utilizing the scientific method and scientific management techniques, Technocrats hoped to squeeze the massive inefficiencies out of running a society, thereby providing more benefits for all members of society while consuming less resources. - Patrick Wood, Editor August Review January 26, 2010

August 2, 2012 |

July 27, 2012 |
Only Technocracy Inc. has the answer for this final American crisis.
First: there is only one problem that Americans should be concerned withthe American Problem; for our aid to a suffering world can only be given if we are not suffering ourselves.
Second: Allout production cannot be attained under the Price SystemEven a stupid politician should admit this after our recent demonstration.
Third: Production to the extent of our ability to consume cannot be attained under a Price System, for abundance cannot be distributed at a price.
Fourth: Such production can be attained if the barrier of money between production and consumption is removed.
Fifth: Production must be balanced with consumption.
This can be accomplished by use of the energy certificates as a bookkeeping device giving exact information on the types and quantity of consumption.

July 27, 2012 |
Technocracy finds that the production and distribution of an abundance of physical wealth on a Continental scale for the use of all Continental citizens can only be accomplished by a Continental technological controla governance of functiona Technate.
Technocracy offers the specifications and the blueprints of Continental physical operations for the production of abundance for every citizen.

January 17, 2012 |
The attached pdf is the formal complaint filed by Idaho residents Vicky Davis and Bonnie Menthe against Idaho Power,
as presented to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, objecting the forced installation of a smart meter.
Both women are asking for an analog meter to installed on their homes, plus Vicky Davis is asking for a formal opt out option.
The IPUC is meeting Tuesday, January 17, 2012 to hear the case and make a ruling.
Complainant, Vicky Davis, hereby responds to answers provided to the IPUC for the Summons issued in the above entitledcase by the Respondent, Idaho Power Company, as follows:

December 31, 2011 |
On the morning of December 13, 2011, an Idaho Power Customer Service Representative, an installer and a Twin Falls County Deputy Sheriff arrived at my home to install a Landis+Gyr Smart Meter.
We're here to install a new meter by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission: Rule D Item 1 and Rule C Item 7

December 8, 2011 |
Concerns relating privacy and property rights in monitoring and adjusting home energy usage (as well as other things) and vulnerability to criminal actions must be addressed. Any invasion of privacy or overreach of the federal government would be inappropriate, and I will strongly oppose it.
Furthermore, the feasibility of this technology has not been proven; yet politicians eager to demonstrate their support for energy efficiency (and spend your money) have jumped on the smart grid bandwagon. I firmly believe that politicians should not select winners and losers in the marketthat responsibility should be left to American consumers who will purchase the most effective and efficient technologies through trial and error, and the free market. Our free market has time and again shown it is more efficient and effective than the government in allocating resources in our economy and that government mandates and subsidies prevent the full use of America's technological knowhow.

November 14, 2011 |
Overall, consumers are equally split about the affect the smart grid will have on the privacy of
their energy consumption records. Thirty-nine percent of respondents believe the smart grid will
diminish their privacy. Twenty-four percent of respondents are unsure as to the impact and 37
believe it will not impact or improve their privacy. Of particular note is that as professed
knowledge about the smart grid increases, so too does the concern regarding privacy. There is a
noticeable shift from the no impact on privacy to the diminishes privacy category.

December 14, 2010 |
The OECD definition of e-government is as follows: it is “the use of information and communication technologies, and particularly the Internet, as a tool to achieve better government.”2
Rebuilding the necessary organisation and institutions after Estonia regained its independence gave a big boost to setting up the information society and providing Estonia with a competitive advantage in Europe. The ability of the state and its organisation to react quickly and adequately to the changes in the society is of utmost importance for independent Estonia. Due to outstanding IT specialists, Estonia is today known all over the world as an innovative state with a dynamically Developed information society.
The present article focuses on the development and current situation of ITC in Estonia, and on whether e-government has been successful or not, and looks at the options Estonia as a small country has in the globalising information society in terms of strategic choices.

March 2, 2010 |
Sustainable consumption? Reconfiguring businesses, infrastructure, and institutions? What do these words mean? They do not mean merely reshuffling the existing order, but rather replacing it with a completely new economic system, one that has never before been seen or used in the history of the world.
This paper will demonstrate that the current crisis of capitalism is being used to implement a radical new economic system that will completely supplant it. This is not some new idea created in the bowels of the United Nations: It is a revitalized implementation of Technocracy that was totally repudiated by the American public in 1933, in the middle of the Great Depression.
The Technocrats have resurfaced, and do not intend to fail a second time. Whether they will succeed this time will depend upon the intended servants of Technocracy, the citizens of the world.

January 28, 2010 |
Appenzell Switzerland A Daily Compendium of Free - Market Thought
In fact, the mind-blowing report that the Review is presenting today on its website (for the first time anywhere) sounds credible to us, understanding as we think we do, the memes of the power elite and the reason for their promotion. Click here to read Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy?
As a final aside, we are gratified that in this white paper, the August Review also deals with the fraud of peak oil. We are entirely unsurprised that Technocrat M. King Hubbert and his economically illiterate energy concepts manage to slither into the middle of the story that the August Review has to tell. The idea that the market itself would not (and somehow could not) respond to peak oil with new stores of energy is yet another power elite promotion. (Meme: Only government authorities, including the UN, can properly plan energy replacements!)
Conclusion: The August Review's presentation of the apparent planning and purpose behind the carbon scam is yet a further proof of the power of the Internet in our opinion. Between the emails revealing the conspiracy and the more recent revelations of phony research and false numbers (and the Review's seemingly accurate revelations as to where all this is really headed) we think the global warming meme is under extreme duress. Sure, it may stagger along - that's one of the hallmarks of a power elite promotion (it won't die no matter how many holes are shot into it) - but it's very hard to promote a theme or meme that has been discredited. And boy is it being discredited.

January 28, 2010 |
"Critics who think that the U.S. dollar will be replaced by some new global currency are perhaps thinking too small.
On the world horizon looms a new global currency that could replace all paper currencies and the economic system upon which they are based.
The new currency, simply called Carbon Currency, is designed to support a revolutionary new economic system based on energy (production, and consumption), instead of price. Our current price-based economic system and its related currencies that have supported capitalism, socialism, fascism and communism, is being herded to the slaughterhouse in order to make way for a new carbon-based world."......
"As founders of the organization and political movement called Technocracy, Inc., Hubbert and Scott also co-authored Technocracy Study Course in 1934. This book serves as the “bible” of Technocracy and is the root document to which most all modern technocratic thinking can be traced."
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