
Warned you to defend and obey the Constitution because foreign money and power corrupts.
Now a secretive puppet government can spy on you and detain you at will under the guise
of National Security.
Warned you of the dangers of political parties. Now you have two powerful parties that
conspire against the people, plundering you while they pretend to oppose each other.
Warned you to keep your nation sovereign and independent. Now you submit to IMF and
NATO authority as your borders are deliberately left open to endless illegal immigration.
Warned you to be distrustful of government. But you believed the sugar coated falsehoods
of ambitious politicians and now you no longer know who to trust or what to believe.
Warned you of the importance of an honest, independent and unbiased press. Now your
centralized Mainstream Media is full of propaganda, distortions, and omissions.
Warned you that the price of liberty was eternal vigilance. But while you were distracted by
American Idol, Sports, and the vice and emptiness of Hollywood culture, the old European Order stole your liberty
and bankrupted your children.